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AAG Logo Competition!!!

The Advertising Association of Ghana (AAG) is embarking on a rebranding journey starting with a new brand identity and so we are inviting staff of member agencies to participant in a logo competition to kick things off!.

To enter, send your name, role and agency name to and you will receive the brief once your eligibility is confirmed.

Other creatives who are not members of the AAG can participate by paying entry fee of GHS 100 to AAG via Mobile Money to 0247 457 284

Entries open on Tuesday 4th July, 2023

Submission Deadline by 31st July, 2023 by 11:59PM

AAG Logo Competition: Terms and Conditions

Eligibility: a. The logo competition is open to all staff of member agencies of the Advertising Association of Ghana (AAG). b. Other creatives who are not employees of member agencies can participate by paying an entry fee of GHS 100 to the designated payment channels. Non-members of the AAG who do not pay to participate are not eligible to participate.

Submission Guidelines: a. Each participant may submit only one logo design. b. The logo design must be original and not infringe upon any copyright or trademark laws. c. The logo design should reflect the values, mission, and identity of the advertising association and be in good response to the brief. d. All logo designs must be submitted in digital format (JPEG, PNG, and PDF) and meet the specified dimensions and resolution requirements. e. Each submission should be accompanied by a brief description explaining the concept and inspiration behind the logo design.

Intellectual Property: a. Participants do not retain the copyright and ownership of their submitted logo designs. b. By submitting a logo design, participants transfer copyright and ownership to the AAG which grants exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, and display the logo for any promotional and marketing purposes related to the association. c. The AAG may make modifications to the winning logo design as necessary.

Judging and Selection: a. A panel of judges appointed by the AAG Council will review all submitted logo designs. b. The judging criteria may include originality, creativity, relevance to the brief and overall aesthetic appeal. c. The decision of the judging panel will be final and binding.

Winner Selection: a. The AAG will announce and notify the winner of the logo competition. b. If the submitted logo design is deemed suitable, the winner will be required to provide the design files in native file formats (Ai) and high-resolution formats (PDF, JPEG, PNG) as specified by the AAG. c. If no suitable logo design is received, the AAG reserves the right to extend the competition or not select a winner.

Prizes: a. The AAG will determine and communicate the prizes awarded to the winner of the logo competition. b. The prize will include monetary compensation, recognition, or any other benefits as determined by the association.

General Conditions: a. The AAG reserves the right to cancel, modify, or suspend the logo competition at any time, if deemed necessary or due to unforeseen circumstances. b. Participants are responsible for ensuring that their submissions comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and intellectual property rights. c. The AAG assumes no responsibility for any loss, damage, or injury incurred by participants during the logo competition.

Privacy: a. Participants’ personal information collected during the logo competition will be used solely for the purpose of the competition and will not be shared with third parties without consent, unless required by law.

By participating in the logo competition, participants agree to abide by these terms and conditions and any decisions made by the advertising association.

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