14TH Gong Gong Awards and Dinner Dance Held

Accra, Ghana. On Friday, November 20, 2020, at the Marriot Hotel, the Advertising Association of Ghana (AAG) held its 14th Gong Gong Awards and Dinner Dance under the leadership of the President of the AAG – Mr. Togbor Mensah with the theme: Advertising beyond Covid-19; Reintegrating Agencies, Brands and Consumers. The event hosted a couple of dignitaries like Mr. Ato Afful the Managing Director of the Graphic Communications Group Limited (GCGL) as the Special Guest of Honour; Dr. & Mrs. Kweku Mensah-Bonsu the Board Chairman of PrimeTime Limited; Mr. Joel Nettey the International Advertising Association President (IAA); Professor Koryoe Anim-Wright the Registrar of the University of Professional Studies (UPSA); and the Director, Sales and Marketing, GCGL, Mr. Franklin Sowa.


Dr. Kweku Mensa-Bonsu, the founder of PRIMETIME MEDIA received special recognition awards in appreciation of his immense contribution to the advertising industry in Ghana. Mr. Bernard Avle, the host of the Citi Breakfast Show was also given a special award for his contribution to the advertising industry. Other special recognition awards went to GCGL, Ghanaian Times, Citi FM, and Stanbic Bank.

For the Silver and Gold awards, Insel Communications won five Gold and seven Silver awards, and Innova DDB Ghana were awarded four Gold and seven Silver awards.

Interactive Digital, DDP Outdoor Limited, Innova DDB Ghana, and Insel Communications were recipients of Platinum awards.

Nine advertising agencies were recognised for their ingenuity in producing the best adverts in 2019 in the Print, Radio, Television, Digital, Social and Outdoor Media categories.


After the first face of the award presentation, there was a musical interlude for all guests present to go and dine together. It was an interesting session as all and sundry gathered together around tables to eat, drink, and make merry.


Mr Ato Afful, in his speech on the theme: Advertising beyond Covid-19; Reintegrating Agencies, Brands and Consumers, urged advertising industry players to revamp their businesses to withstand shocks such as the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. He was concerned about the many intellectuals and big brains in the industry that were laid off as a result of the financial constraints that had come along with the pandemic. He mentioned that laying off workers during trying times really goes a long way to affect the growth of the sector. He said, “Sometimes we are in a hurry to lay off some of our best people because of financial constraints. It is difficult to find some of these people back into the industry after they have left with unpalatable memories. Therefore, you find some of the best human resources in the industry moving out of the business where their ideas are actually needed.” He observed that the industry’s creative people at the end tend to be redirected by clients instead of them leading and directing clients. “When this happens, we are not reimagining and re-inventing this industry. I would, therefore, entreat captains of industry to continue to invest in people and businesses,” he added.


The President of the AAG, Mr. Torgbor Mensah, said the advertising agencies should be creative in the delivery of their craft since advertising thrives on creativity. “We make money out of creativity. Advertising is about creating marketable images to sell to our clients. We need to be witty and clever in creating works that will sell the products of our people. We need to apply strategic thinking in creating good advertising products. Creativity is all about good ideas. If you have good sense and good ideas that your client likes, you make your money,” he added.  


14TH Gong Gong Awards and Dinner Dance

The Advertising Association of Ghana wishes to invite all its stakeholders to its 14th edition of the Gong Gong Annual Awards and Dinner Dance which is slated for 20th November 2020 at the Marriot Hotel in Accra, the time for the event is 7:00 PM. The theme for this year’s Awards and Dinner Dance is “Advertising beyond Covid-19; Reintegrating Agencies, Brands & Consumers”.

The Gong Gong Awards is the flagship industry event for the Advertising Industry in Ghana. Over the years the awards have established benchmarks for excellence and ingenuity, rewarding creativity and outstanding innovative works, across all sectors of the industry.

This year’s Awards and Dinner Dance promises to be exciting and competitive. Who are you tipping to be the best among the rest?

Kindly call 0501399201 for bookings to be part of this great and interesting event. See you there!


November 2, 2020, Accra Ghana. The Advertising Association of Ghana (AAG) represented by the President, Mr. Torgbor Mensah; the International Advertising Association (IAA) World President, Mr. Joel Nettey; the Vice President and Area Director-Africa of IAA, Mrs. Norkor Duah; the past Presidents of the AAG, Mr. Emmanuel Addo, Mr. Reginald Laryea and Professor Tim Acquah-Hayford; the Executive Director, Mr. Francis Dadzie, called on the President of the Republic of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo at the Jubilee House to introduce the newly-elected Chairman and World President of the International Advertising Association (IAA), a global marketing communications body.

Mr. Joel Nettey is the newly-elected Chairman and World President of the International Advertising Association. He is the first African to lead the 82-years-old association which has membership in over 40 countries.

President Akufo Addo commended Mr. Joel Nettey for bringing honour to the Republic of Ghana by being the first African to be elected as the IAA President. The President of the Republic of Ghana, in his speech, during the meeting, stated the need for the country to do something about projecting itself. He mentioned that in the country’s effort of projecting itself, it should not do so by just in the term of one President, but it must be a country-focused effort and that it is something that all must put heads together and make it work. He assured the association of the government’s assistance to champion the World Marketing Day since it would be of immense benefit by bringing dividends to the government and the people of Ghana.

The AAG also conferred on President Akufo-Addo the titles of an Honorary Member and Ambassador Extraordinaire of the Association, the first to be bestowed on any individual.

The Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr. Alan Kyeremanten, indicated how Mr. Nettey’s promotion is a result of the hard work he had put in both home and abroad as well as President Akufo Addo’s achievements for the country around the globe. He gave utterance to the fact that the government is in support of the Advertisers Bill because President Akufo-Addo considered the private sector to be the anchor that tied up the structural transformation of the economy. He continued that Parliament would support the establishment of an advertiser’s council to regulate the advertising and marketing community space. Speaking about the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), the Honourable Minister mentioned that Ghana was keen on benchmarking itself not only within Africa but globally.

Mr. Joel Nettey applauded President Akufo-Addo for bringing the AfCFTA Secretariat to Accra and successfully organizing ‘The Year of Return’. He stated how these two major initiatives of the President have made him a great brand ambassador for the country. He however observed that various governments who assume power in the country should collaborate with associations to assist in building a national brand. He stated the need for Ghana to sustain a solid national brand given the immense benefits it can give to the country. Mr. Nettey mentioned that all the countries that had been well branded went through various methodologies to achieve their goals, and suggested that a Brand Ghana Office be set up by an Act of Parliament with a dedicated source funding.

Mr. Francis Dadzie, the Executive Director of AAG, said the association had made every effort to regulate the industry since 2010 because all over the world, there is an advertising council established to regulate the industry in every country. He said the association, through the Ministry of Trade and Industry, supported the Advertising Industry Bill to Parliament and got the first reading in 2016 but the process got truncated. He expressed the hope however that, the bill would resurface.

The Advertising Association of Ghana(AAG) Meets a Delegation from the Association of Alcohol Manufacturers and Importers(AAMI)

Accra, August 26, 2020: The Advertising Association of Ghana President – Mr. Torgbor Mensah received a delegation from the Association of Alcohol Manufacturers and Importers (AAMI) for a stakeholder engagement prior to the passing of the Advertising Council Bill latest November 2020.

Other executive members at the meeting were the Executive Director – Mr. Francis Dadzie, and the Executive Assistant – Mr. Terrick Torgbor.

The delegation from the AAMI was represented by Mrs. Aseye Nutsukpui, Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs Manager of Guinness Ghana Breweries PLC; Madam Eunice Osei-Tutu, Corporate Relations Manager of Pernod Ricard West Africa; Madam Adwoa Aaba Arthur, Legal and Corporate Affairs Director of Accra Brewery Limited and Madam Amanda Gadzekpo, Logistics Manager of Forewin House.
Established by the major producers and importers of alcoholic beverages in Ghana, AAMI is to co-ordinate and direct activities towards the responsible production and use of alcoholic products in Ghana.

Speaking to the delegation, Mr. Torgbor Mensah said “The association is working tirelessly to get the bill passed by parliament latest November 2020. Therefore, I urge all stakeholders within the advertising industry to properly understand and get themselves acquainted with the provisions in the Bill and the industry as a whole”.
The Executive Director, Mr. Francis Dadzie stated that the government’s contribution to facilitating the smooth passage of the Bill will add on to the many policies and projects implemented by the incumbent. He further said the advertising industry has been a non-regulated free playing field for advertisers in Ghana, adding that the AAG in its own way has tried to regulate the industry through voluntary compliance and moral persuasion. He also added that the Bill adopted standards and best practices across the world.

On her part, Ms. Aseye Nutsukpui said it was vital for both institutions to form a synergy to expedite the passage of the bill, however, stating that the AAMI had a few concerns in the Bill which were discussed.

Mr. Francis Dadzie assured the AAMI that once the Council is formed the subcommittees of the Council will be stakeholders and not the AAG members only. He added that the Council is not dependent on government support & funding.

The Advertising Council Bill will be put before Parliament in September when the house resumes sitting. The Bill addresses all discrepancies within the advertising industry and establishes the Advertising Council of Ghana, as the official body charged with the duty of regulating advertising, registering practitioners in the industry, and licensing advertising companies.

The President in conclusion mentioned that the AAG is the Ghana chapter of the International Advertising Association and its aim is to bring the industry together. He called on all corporate institutions to become members of the IAA to understand the advertising industry and other opportunities.


Thursday, July 30, 2020 – Dialogue with Parliamentary Select Committee on Trade and Industry to lay before Parliament the passage of the Advertising Council Bill.


Accra, July 3, 2020 – The Advertising Association of Ghana (AAG) Executive Council members led by it’s President – Mr. Torgbor Mensah on Friday, July 3, 2020 met with the Minister of Trade and Industry, Honorable Alan Kojo Kyeremateng at the Ministry of Trade and Industry to discuss the progress of the Draft Advertising Council Bill.

Advertising Council Bill
The Advertising Council Bill establishes the Advertising Council to regulate the practice of advertising, register practitioners and license advertising companies. The council is to prescribe and approve courses of study for the advertising profession and to ensure that advertising is legal, honest and fruitful and that advertising protects the best interest of the consumer.

In 2016, Cabinet approved  on the memoranda from the Ministry of Trade and Industry on the Advertising Council Bill. The draft Bill in that same year was gazetted by the Government press and presented to Cabinet after which it was presented to the last parliament where the first reading was heard on 11th October, 2016 after which the parliament elapsed.

The President of AAG, Mr. Torgbor Mensah addressing the Minister, stated the many engagements the members of the Executive Council of the AAG have had with the Ministry and it’s high level interest to support the process of getting the Bill passed together with the Ministry of Information. He mentioned efforts are sedated. The Minister of Trade and Industry, Honorable Alan Kyeremateng, assured the Executive Council members of AAG of expediting the process so advertising practitioners are properly guided by the Bill.

Boosting Intra-African Trade (BIAT)
The Honorable Minister mentioned that as part of the Government’s efforts to tackle the benefits of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) for Ghana, the ministry is in the process of operationalizing the implementation structures for a National Programme of Action for the Boosting Intra-African Trade (BIAT).  He stated that, accordingly, Technical Working Groups on the five priority sectors (business, communication, transportation, tourism and financial services) have been set up to ensure effective coordination and implementation of the BIAT.

Mr. Francis Dadzie, the Executive Director of the Advertising Association of Ghana has been appointed together with other Senior Officers to serve on the Trade in Services Technical Working Group (Business and Finance Services).

The Minister during the meeting also addressed the need for the Advertising Association of Ghana (AAG) to support Small Scale Industries and young entrepreneurs with requisite skills on how to brand and position their businesses in the minds of their consumers for good brand image and also on how to grow their Individual brands in unprecedented times.

Other members present at the meeting were; Professor Tim Acquah-Hayford, AAG Past President ; Mr. Reginald Laryea, AAG Past President; Mr. Francis Dadzie, AAG Executive Director;  Mr. Terrick Nii Obodai Torgbor, AAG Executive Assistant; the Honorable Minister’s team; Mr. Patrick Y. Nimo – Ag. Chief Director, Mr. Michael Opoku, Nana Yaw Adutwum, Mr. Kofi Amenya, Mad. Abena Esabo Afful and Mr. Eric Dwamena.


The Advertising Association of Ghana like the many sectors affected by the novel Covid-19 pandemic joins government to fight against the virus.

During the Press brief on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, by the Information Minister, Hon. Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, at the Ministry of Information,
the AAG represented by the Executive Director, Mr. Francis Dadzie donated 50 billboards and presented its Covid-19 Awareness plan to the Minister.

The AAG Covid-19 Awareness plan analyses the impact of the pandemic and strategies the Association is adopting to support the fight against the virus. The Awareness plan itemizes strategies such as Radio drama series, TV testimonials, TV animation videos, TV advocacy videos, citizen-led community responses and strategies for online and social media.

The Advertising Association of Ghana as part of its strategies has donated 50 billboards worth Ghc906,000, flighted to educate the publics against the spread of the corona virus. In addition, advocacy videos in various languages are being telecast to create awareness in deprived communities.

Accra, Ghana
April 28, 2020.


The AAG Professional Development Programme is a 3 day training programme which is targeted at Middle level practitioners in Advertising, Arts, Communication, Creative Design, Marketing, Public Relation and related areas. The programme will address the following topics under creativity.

  1. Ideas that live forever; creating insight based timeless work, the pain and the glory.
  2. Creative magic; going beyond the beautiful to create campaigns that are effective.
  3. Design thinking; thinking beyond advertising.

The Programme is scheduled as follows;

Date: 24th – 26th March, 2020

Venue: Coconut Groove Hotel, Accra

Time: 2:00pm – 6:00pm each day

Rate: GHc700

For registration and inquiries, kindly call Terrick Torgbor on 0501399201


Accra, August 13, 2019 – Executives of the Advertising Association of Ghana (AAG), led by its President, Mr. Torgbor Mensah, engaged the Municipal Chief Executives within the Greater Accra Region.

The meeting, which took place at the Accra City Hotel, discussed crucial issues affecting both the AAG and the Municipalities within Accra and the way forward in finding long-lasting solutions to the challenges. The issues discussed at the meeting outlined how both parties can work in synergy to address the current predicament of the Association – pulling down of billboards by the High-way Authority. 

Speaking at the meeting Mr. Torgbor Mensah said:

”It’s very important both parties work pari passu in ensuring that the right standards are established and implemented, to regulate the process of out of home advertisement, to avoid the pulling down of billboards again in the future”. 

In response, the MCEs applauded the efforts of the AAG Executives for being proactive and also mentioned their readiness to help in solving the challenges of the AAG. They also suggested, both bodies have a proper session where all Chief Executives  together with Engineers and Planning Officers, will be walked through the process; the legal & institutional frame work and what value is needed to be created to enhance the partnership and make Accra a beautiful city.


Bucharest will host one of the most important events in the creative industries. The IAA Global Conference “Creativity4Better” returns with its third edition and brings top creative global leaders in front of the European creative communities.

Star Speakers:

Karim Rashid, a legend of design, named by Time Mazine “the most famous industrial designers in all the Americas”

Jacques Seguela, founder of RSCG, Chief Creative Officer for more thank 25 years, “the monstre sacre de la pub francaise”, author of more than 25 books.

They will joined on stage by

Rory Sutherland, Vice Chairman Ogilvy UK, Ted Talk Superstar, columnist, writer, Executive Creative Director for more than 20 years, now involved in behavioral change.

Mailine Swildens, Director Google for ZOO EMEA, with a 20+ years of experience in managing cross and border digital innovation businesses.

Geoffrey Hantson, Co-founder and Creative Officer Happiness, an FCB Alliance, winner of 38 Cannes Lions and 89 Eurobest awards, probably one of the most awarded creative in the world.

We invite you to discover all the speakers and their fabulous careers on www.creativity4better.com The Conference will take place in Bucharest, at the National Opera, on October 17, 2019, and it is the only conference fully dedicated to creativity in Central and Eastern Europe.