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AAG Schools Agencies on Strategic Marketing & Brand Building

Brand is reasonably the most fundamental building block of every organization and Business. With the increasingly growing trend of software and technology, consumers are changing by the day. This trend prompted the Advertising Association of Ghana to re-echo the need for professionals and practitioners to  fill the gap of Branding introducing a capacity building course on Brand Building and Strategic Marketing Communications.

The Strategic Marketing Communications and Brand Building held on March 28th schooled thirty-four advertising agencies. The two days’ workshop fulfilled its key aim to equip participants to effectively analyse brand situations in context and to subsequently formulate strategic, creative responses.

Trained by Regional Managing Director of Ogilvy Africa Group, Akua Owusu-Nartey, participants were given hands-on training on significant issues with the likes of Consumer Changing behavior, understanding trends and developing tailor-made brands to attracted target audiences. She said one must always remember to make a product deliver on its promise.

Akua Owusu-Nartey advised participants to strictly trace the evolution of consumer needs and stay true to the core of every brand. She said in brand building, always remember to always invest in the right assets.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Participants at AAG  workshop

She stressed “Brands opportunity steps up above the usual awareness and considerations. It deals more with loyalty and preference”, adding the need for organizations and advertiser to step up their game in brand consultancy.

The President of the Advertising Association of Ghana, Joel Nettey also charged practitioners and professionals to make their works artistic and step up above being just service providers into Relevant Consultants and management advisors. He explained that this will go a long way towards helping the industry to achieve its goals of flashing out unprofessionalism

He further disclosed AAG’s readiness to fight for the Advertising Council Bill this year, throwing a challenge to other agencies to join the campaign.

The Strategic Marketing Communications and Brand Building workshop was attended by 34 participants from member agencies and other institutions with the likes of Petra Trust, Touch point, Insel Communications, Telemedia Communications, Now Available Africa, Media Lynx, PG Advertising, Echo House, Insight Grey, MTech Communications, Saxton Ghana, Pacific Solutions,Multiple Concepts, NKACC, Unicredit and MMRS.

By Admin.


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