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⦁ The AAG Gong Gong Awards categories are constantly reviewed and updated to mirror the changes in our media landscape. Please be sure to review all the categories to determine where to enter your work.
⦁ Significant category changes have been made in the “Digital & Social”, Alcoholic & Non-alcoholic, Corporate & Services, Transport & Aviation, Household products & Industrial Appliances categories
⦁ New categories include Entertainment & CSR
⦁ Please remember to double-check entry rules – check the full rules for details.
⦁ Overview videos for entries must be limited to 2 minutes. If it is felt necessary, the full-length work may accompany the 2-minute overview.
⦁ When submitting multiple elements of a campaign into various categories, it is vital
that the entry is described appropriately for each category. If the judges cannot readily discern which elements are to be considered for the relevant category, it will count against your entry.
⦁ When supplying an Overview Video, it is highly recommended that the presentation is tailored/adapted to highlight the elements most relevant to the chosen category.
⦁ Check the Guidelines to ensure your media is entered correctly.
⦁ Non-English entries must come with English translations and/or subtitles.


⦁ The AAG Gong Gong Awards a is opened to all communication agencies located in Ghana
⦁ All submitted entries broadcasted to the public between 1st of January 2017 and the 30th of December 2017
⦁ Date of submission is 3rd July 2018
⦁ Only one party should submit an entry. If the same entry is submitted twice, only the first entry will be accepted.
⦁ All entries must have been created within the context of a contract with a paying client
⦁ The client must have paid for all, or the majority, of the entered submission.
⦁ The AAG may contact the advertiser related to any submission at the request of the jury at any time during the judging process in order to receive further information about the campaign.


⦁ A piece of work can only be entered into one main category. Therefore, the same creative execution cannot be awarded in Magazine and Poster and
Newspaper unless proven to be a different execution
⦁ Even if you did run the same execution across all these mediums, you must choose only one category to enter it into.
⦁ HOWEVER – you can combine several individual pieces that you have already entered
into an integrated campaign entry.


Innovation – 20%
it is important that the entry demonstrates innovation. It is not good enough to show business results using a proven idea or something that has been done before.

Quality of execution – 30%
How well the elements have been implemented will be evaluated. Could it have been done better? Could more have been done?

Relevance to brand, target audience, and chosen medium – 30%
Here the results of the campaign will be considered in the context of brand, target and media used.

Craft – 20%
Is the idea executed flawlessly? Does the writing or design push the envelope and raise the standards?


⦁ Each entry will be shown or played and the Entry Manager will read out the
⦁ Documentation
⦁ The Juror from the Agency that produced a particular communication abstains from voting for that work
⦁ No Agency will be given the opportunity to offer any explanations on any aspect of the process.
⦁ Each Juror will fill out a Juror Form with the Entry Number, Brand, and Medium at the top and give each piece of work a score for each criteria
⦁ In addition, each Juror will decide if this particular work should appear in the AAG Gong-Gongs DVD that will be sold, distributed and posted on the web by ticking the relevant box
⦁ The Entry Manager will check each Juror Form to ensure that each has the correct Entry Number, Brand, and Medium before placing it in an envelope and sealing it.
⦁ Agency representative cannot judge their own piece of work. However, competing agencies who belong to the same group are allowed to judge each other’s work provided they operate as two different business entities in different locations.


⦁ KPMG will collect the sealed envelopes containing the Score Sheets for each Entry
⦁ After checking for Deviant Scoring they will begin to collate the winners
⦁ Scores will be mathematically evened out to take into account changes in numbers of Jurors due to absence etc.
⦁ Highest scoring Entries in each category will get Gold, Silver and Bronze
⦁ Awards respectively and the outright highest scoring Entry will win the Platinum Award
⦁ Where there were too few entries or the general standard of entries in a particular category, any entry that scores highest but more than 10% lower than the average score for a Gold, Silver or Bronze AAG Gong-gong award, then no AAG Gong-Gong will be awarded for that particular category.
⦁ KPMG, once they have ascertained the winners, they will maintain confidentiality until the night of the event.
⦁ KPMG, on the night of the event will reveal the winners live on stage by the opening of envelopes.


⦁ All AAG Gong Gong 2018 entry forms need to be completed with all supporting material submitted at the AAG offices by 3rd JULY 2018.
⦁ Case studies videos or one-pagers to be submitted for Digital, Social, Activation, Experiential and Integrate campaigns.
⦁ Case films submitted as a .mp4 file should be a maximum lasting a maximum of 2 minutes
⦁ The presentation should explain the strategy implemented for your campaign. It should include key visual elements: videos, images or any other relevant element to explain your campaign.
⦁ Entries should be submitted in English or in a version with English subtitles (mandatory).
⦁ Each campaign should be submitted as one entry, an entry or campaign may be submitted in more than one category.
⦁ Additional material: You may provide us with additional material that you consider useful for the understanding of your case packaging, images, etc.
⦁ For digital entries, no live media can be entered, including URLs. Websites, YouTube content and similar must be entered as either video walk-throughs or static jpegs.


⦁ Alcoholic
⦁ Non-alcoholic beverages
⦁ Food & Confectionery
⦁ Corporate Service
⦁ Insurance
⦁ Financial Services
⦁ Textile & Fashion/Accessories
⦁ Health & Personal care
⦁ Telecommunications
⦁ Transport services
⦁ Aviation
⦁ Automobiles
⦁ Hospitality
⦁ Restaurants
⦁ Household products
⦁ Sports
⦁ Estate Development
⦁ Oil & Gas
⦁ Entertainment


All savoury foods, including branded fast-food products, pasta, eggs, meats, oils, sauces, butter, cheese, margarine, milk, natural yoghurt, pet foods etc.

Chocolates, sugar confectionery, jams, desserts, nuts, biscuits, salted snacks, chewing gum, ice cream etc.

Alcoholic drinks
All alcoholic drinks: wine, beer, cider, spirits etc.

Non-alcoholic drinks
Soft drinks, fruit juices, tea, coffee, mineral water and milk-based drinks.

Health &Personal Care
Optical, medical and dental services, toothpastes, condoms, toiletries, tissues, soaps, diapers, shaving products, perfumes, cosmetics, deodorants, hearing aids, hair care and solar protection products, beauty institutes, spas, bath and shower additives etc.

Household Products
Property, furniture, floor coverings, domestic appliances, kitchenware, televisions, home cinema, security systems, solar heating and all public utilities providing water, gas, electricity etc.

Including cars, SUVs and people carriers, trucks, vans, motorcycles, ambulances and other service vehicles.

Transport Services
Airlines, railways, car rentals, cruises, tour operators, tourist boards, hotels, resorts, driving schools, and all forms of public transport.

Restaurants, Bars & Cafés
Advertising and promotions for independent or chain restaurants, fast-food services, bars and

Financial Services
Banks, insurance, credit cards, pension plans, investments and related online services, etc.

Consumer advertising for books, films, newspapers, magazines, radio stations, television channels and programmes, including related apps, websites etc

Homelessness, children’s rights, gender issues, cruelty to animals, political campaigns, climate change, pollution, nature conservation etc.

Corporate Services
Communication programmes whose primary function is to promote the reputation of a corporation as opposed to its individual products or services.

Consumer advertising for sports equipment, sports services, sport retail stores

Estate Development
Includes property developers, estate agents, property groups etc.

Oil & Gas
Includes oil companies, gas companies, gas station, oil products etc.

The hospitality industry is a broad category of fields within service industry that includes lodging, event planning, theme parks, transportation, cruise line, and additional fields within the tourism industry

Insurance services, insurance companies, insurance products

Textile & Fashion/Accessories
Textile designs for woven, knitted or printed fabrics or surface ornamented fabrics. Textile designs mostly refers to clothing and interior decor items.
Fashion relates to the application of design and aesthetics or natural beauty to clothing. These include fashion brands, products and service

Consumer advertising for telecommunication products and services.

Consumer advertising for airlines, aircrafts, aeroplanes, helicopter etc.


⦁ Radio
⦁ Print
⦁ Television
⦁ Outdoor
⦁ Digital
⦁ Online & Mobile Websites
⦁ Mobile Ads
⦁ Viral Films
⦁ Digital Campaigns
⦁ Social Media (Includes the creation of social platforms, the use of existing social platforms, and user generated content)
⦁ Activation & Experiential
⦁ Mobile
⦁ Mobile Applications
⦁ Mobile Sites
⦁ Branded games designed for smart phones or tablets
⦁ Mobile campaigns
⦁ Branded PR
⦁ Experiential & Shopper Marketing
⦁ Media innovation (Traditional & Alternative Media)
⦁ Integrated Campaign


Advertisements intended for published printed media including Newspaper, Magazine, Journals and Single Page Inserts and Advertorials.

Traditional TV and cinema advertising and film content produced for online airing and other screens.

Billboard and poster advertising as well as out of home ambient executions.
Traditional advertising on radio stations and paid for online radio channels.

Media Innovation – Traditional Media
Advertising and media planning that uses conventional media, including digital, in an original way.

Media Innovation – Alternative Media
Advertising and media planning that invents a new medium to carry its message; ambient, stunts, guerrilla marketing, installations etc.

Experiential & Shopper Marketing
Events or campaigns allowing consumers to engage directly with the brand, physical brand spaces such as exhibitions, museums and pop-up stores, in-store displays and merchandising, operations targeting consumers at the point of sale.

Online and mobile websites, campaigns, games and other operations involving digital elements

Mobile Websites
Innovation and creativity in the design of sites and microsites; sites with a specific brand objective.

Viral Films
Web commercials and virals produced primarily for online viewing.

Social Media
Operations relying primarily on targeted community applications, microblogging services and other user generated content.

Mobile Apps
Apps for mobile or tablet devices created specifically for branding or promotional purposes.

Mobile Ads
Animated banners, pop-up ads etc.

Integrated Campaigns
Operations using at least three different media channels

Branded PR
Includes any PR activity resulting in non-paid for (editorial) coverage on any media
platform, e.g. print, radio, TV, Internet. Any medium can be used to generate this
coverage, including an event, activation, mailers, press release – or a combination of

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